Our Portfolio

ISNAD is an education provider which aims to lead communities in Islamic education and learning which is up-to-date, acclimatised to the modern world, transformational, yet infused with the rich values of our tradition.
ISNAD courses are grounded in current research and seek to impart a contextualised understanding of Islam which effectively addresses challenges facing Muslims.

Sacred Vows
Our unique compatibility matching system makes finding your future spouse easy. We search our entire database using key criteria that are crucial for relationship success — we go further to understand who you are and who is most likely to give you butterflies.
After completing the questionnaire we are able to gain a deeper understanding of who you are and who would match you best. You also get to learn a little about yourself with your personality profile. This can be a very valuable tool — after all, the more you know about yourself the more you will know what you need from your match.

Imagine a world where every believer embraces the first words revealed to our Prophet, “Read.” At Signatora, we imagine such a world and believe we know how to restore the Ummah’s love and value for the written word.
As media platforms take hold, we find ourselves bereft of the pleasure, creativity, and joy of books.

Guidance Hub

Essential Islam
Essential Islam is an independent non-profit organisation whose foremost intention and goal is to propagate the acquisition of traditional sacred knowledge, followed by being dedicated to strengthening the local and wider communities by creating opportunities, and tackling issues of disadvantage and exclusion.